Vicki Sampieri
Finding Wisdom in Your Body With Craniosacral Therapy
Tune into the Body's Intelligence, Optimise Health and Wellbeing with Craniosacral Therapy
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle but profound hands-on therapy suitable for babies, children, elderly and those who are experiencing fragile or acutely painful conditions. The foundation of this therapy and the recognition of subtle rhythms in the body was discovered over 100 years ago by Osteopath Dr William Sutherland. He observed the articulation of cranial bones and the sutures ability to express motion. He called this inherent life force the Breath of Life . These subtle rhythms can be palpated by sensitive hands and identify inertia and congestion in the body and follow the body's natural priority for healing.
Craniosacral therapy works with the whole body, musculo-skeletal system, the nervous system, the cardio-vascular system, the immune system, the organs, the connective tissue, the fluids and the energy systems of the body. Craniosacral therapy can help release trauma in the body, physical and emotional, re-establish and maintain optimal health.